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Posted By Trendy on 11/30/19 - Bookmark Niki Castro

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Blogged Under: Big Natural Juggs
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Posted By Admin on 11/12/19 - Bookmark Niki Castro

Goodness me, am I suddenly in the mood to shoot some pool! What an amazing rack she has.

Poor girls with these big chests, I believe it is quite stressful on your back over time which I can well imagine. As a man you might not quite realise how heavy those puppies are as it’s just not something we’d think about in that context. Just imagine though that you have a backpack strapped to your chest that you can never take off and you’re always countering against the weight with your back muscles.

So what am I getting at with all that yapping? Just how much we should appreciate these lovely ladies for their sacrifice because let’s face it, more often than not they’re flaunting their gifts so that we would find them more attractive.

So from the bottom of my heart ladies, thank you very much and to show my appreciation I vow to continue, as I have been, to take notice of every women with a great pair of tits.

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Blogged Under: Big Natural Juggs
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